Completely Remove All the Swelling of Your Belly in Just 10 Minutes. Hard to Believe but True!

Swelling or bloating is often caused by over-eating rather than a serious illness. However, the problem can also be caused something else.

Causes of Bloating
Air swallowing (a nervous habit)
Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (this may be a sign of a serious health problem)
Gases in the intestine by eating foods rich in fiber (like fruits and vegetables)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Lactose intolerance
Ovarian cysts
Partial intestinal obstruction
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Weight gain
People who suffer from this type of inflammation usually take proton pump inhibitors, enzymes, etc, but what they do is become dependent on remedies and spend money, then left with empty pocket and swollen stomach. This article will tell you how to give address this discomfort, so read on.

A cup of water.
2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.
Mix the ingredients until they blend well.
Drink immediately after preparation.
Apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for improving digestion, stimulating weight loss, and is a great addition to a healthy diet.

Simple Tips to Prevent Bloating
Eat slowly and chew well before swallowing.
Enrich your menu with foods that prevent bloating – peppermint tea, ginger, pineapple, parsley and yogurt probiotics (providing you don’t have lactose intolerance)
Cut down salt, fried foods, refined products, fizzy drinks, sweets and excess alcohol as these foods overwork your stomach and slow down digestion.
Exercise regularly because physical activity is critical for overall health and wellbeing.
Reduce stress exposure as stress directly affects your health and quality of life.


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